configuration modes 构造方式
configuration of transport modes 交通模式配置
line-focused configuration (spot-focused configuration) 线聚焦(点聚点)
3D configuration software 三维组态软件
3-D Desargue configuration 三维笛沙格图
3d electron configuration state 3d电子组态
4f n -1 5d Configuration 4fn-15d组态; 连续辨别反应
4f(N-1)5d configuration 4f(N-1)5d组态
4f5d configuration 4f5d组态; 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯
4fn-15d Configuration 4fn-15d组态
4πβ-4πγ detector configuration 4πβ-4πγ装置
5+2 configuration 5+2布局
a new gasification technology with 4 nozzle mutual confrontation 四喷嘴对置式新型气化
a propeller configuration 螺旋桨式构型
ability of spatial configuration 空间思维能力
absolute configuration 绝对构型; 绝对组态
absorption configuration 吸附构型
abundance configuration 丰度结构; 石灰石
AC system configuration 交流系统规范; 镊子
accelerometer configuration 加速度计配置